Wednesday 28 September 2011

The Quotable G K Chesterton

This book, The Quotable Chesterton: The Wit and Wisdom of G.K. Chesterton by Kevin Belmonte is a compilation of some of G.K. Chesterton's most famous quotes which have been listed alphabetically and topically for easy use. There are around 850 quotes, each of which are taken from his works which date from 1900-1914. Each of the quotes cited are done so with where and from which work it is taken. This is particularly helpful, because the volumes written by him are enormous!

Many different subjects are covered and there are a wide variety of quotes which are relevant and would speak to many situations today. Examples include; Academia, Architecture, Fairy Tales, Jane Austen, Jesus, John Bunyan, Painting, Politics.

Chesterton was hailed by the New York Times as one of the most 'brilliant English essayists'. This skill and competency in writing, coupled with his unceasing efforts to fight for the truth of the Christian God makes this book such a great resource for those who minister to others from the pulpit.

For those who don't, it’s a great little book to dip into every now and again and will invariably give the reader something to mull over and consider, which will no doubt, be said in the most eloquent way!