Monday 23 August 2010

Let Go: Live Free of the Burdens All Women Know Book Review

I have recently become a book reviewer for Thomas Nelson Publishers and have just finished reading the book Let Go by Sheila Walsh. The author claims to have written this book in response to a series of events in her life that eventually led her to find freedom and sanctuary in God. She uses her life experiences coupled with some biblical insights to help women who may have stumbled upon this book and find themselves in a similar predicament.
Whilst this book is very readable and immediately engaging (although I imagine only for a specific type of reader), the authorship, I believe, lacks a certain detail and pragmatism when it comes to looking at the scriptures. This book should not be read for its exegesis of bible passages, but will certainly provide encouragement to the reader who has been or is going through similar things as the author.
It provides a good biblical basis for how christians should respond to and live their lives in response to the gospel. It does not shy awat from real issues that real women face; shame, guilt, loneliness, hopelessness etc. This book actually should serve as a reminder to Christian women that there is a real need for issues such as these to be explored in thorough and proper way with some sound and well-thought through explanations of relevant bible verses.